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Exercise Program 1
Exercise Program 2
Home Workout.

Abdominal Exercises
Back Exercises
Bicep Exercises
Calf Exercises
Chest Exercises
Hamstring Exercises
Lower Back Exercises
Quadricep Exercises
Shoulder Exercises
Tricep Exercises

Exercise and Muscle Growth

The One Arm Dumbell Row

See Muscles Involved

Primary Muscles Involved
Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Rhomboids, Posterior Deltoid

Other Muscles Involved
Biceps, Forearms (gripping the weight), Abdominals (preventing the body from twisting)

While holding a dumbell in one hand, rest the opposing hand and opposing knee on a horizontal bench. Let the weight hang at the lowest possible position while maintaining neutral spine (neither hunched over nor arched). This is the starting position. While gripping the weight, smoothly pull the elbow back as far as possible (Finishing Position). Smoothly lower the weight back to the starting position.

Tips and Safety
Exhale during the exertion and inhale when lowering the weight.
Do not allow the torso to hunch or twist.
For best results, focus on pulling the elbow back instead of focusing on raising the weight.

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